نشر عدد من تدريسيي قسم علوم الحياة في كلية التربية للعلوم الصرفة (ابن الهيثم) 28 بحثا في مجال البيئة والتنمية المستدامة في مجلات عالمية مصنفة ضمن المستوعبات الاربع ، وفيما يأتي قائمة باسماء و تفاصيل وروابط نشر هذه البحوث :

The acute toxicity of herbicide roundup ultra in mosquito fish Gambusia affinis  

(Adel H. Talib, Abdulmotalib J. AL-Rudainy, Maha A. Gathwan, Baraa M. Thakir, Rana Abdulfattah K)

Therapeutic Effect of Pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.) on Post Burn Injury in White Mice

(Hazima Mossa Alabassi, Zahraa Hussein M. Kadri, Maha A. Gathwan, Yasamine J. Kadem, Zahraa K. Kadhim)

Impact of water mixing areas in qualitative variationsof phytoplankton algae and some physiochemicalcharacteristics of water on a section of tigris river,iraq

(Buthaina Abdul- Aziz Hassan1, Thaier Mohamed Ibrahim1, Ibrahim Mahdi AL-Salman1and Abbas Murtadah Ismael)

A study of qualitative, classification soil algae in some areas from  baghdad, iraq

(Buthena Abdul- Aziz Hassan AL- Magdamy)

Study the toxic effect of the herbicide Gold topik (80EC) on survival and behavior of mosquito fish (Gambusiaholbrooki Girard 1859

(Teeba Najim Hassan and Maha Abdulnabi Gathwan)

التأثير السمي للمبيد العشبي الكولد توبيك  EC 80 على غلاصم سمكة الكمبوزيا هولبروكي     Gambusia holbrooki Girard, 1859

(Teeba Najim Hassan and Maha Abdulnabi Gathwan)

Histological Changes in the Lung Tissues of male albino mice Exposed to Mospilan 20SG insecticide

(Maha A. Gathwan& Zahraa H. M. Kadri)

Histological and cytogenetic effects of Acetamiprid on male albino mice

(Maha A. Gathwan , Zahraa H. M. Kadri, Sahar S. Karieb and Qutaiba S. Thwaini)

Some Physical and Chemical Characteristic of Dust Falling on Kerbela City, Iraq

(Asaad Sh. M. Alhesnawi,  Ibrahim M. Alsalman and  Najem Abd. Najem)

Histopathological changes induced after oral administration of acetamiprid in kidneys of male albino mice

(Maha A. Gathwan)

Effect of algal extracts on the growth of tow bacterial types isloated from pollutants discharge

(Thaer Mohammed Ibrahim, Raad Abdul Hadi Nayyef, Buthaina Abdul- Aziz Hassan Al-Magdamy)

The seasonal changes of non-diatom phytoplankton algae after the confluence of Tariq project in the Tigris river north of Baghdad

(Buthaina A. Al-Magdamy)

Effect of exposure to glyphosate pesticide, cadimum and chromium on biomass of algae (Chlorococcum humicola and Chlorella vulgaris) in polluted

(Shaker, Bushra K.; Alsalman, Ibrahim M. A.; Al-Attabi, Mahdi S.)

Evaluation of air pollution tolerance index of some plants species in Kerbala city, Iraq

(Asaad Sh. M. Alhesnawi , Ibrahim M. Alsalman , Najem Abdulhussain Najem )

تغاير مجتمع الدايتومات الهائمة وتطبيق بعض الادلة لتقييم نوعية المياه ومراقبة تأثير الانشطة البشرية في نهر دجلة شمال مدينة بغداد

(Buthaina A. Al-Magdamy, Ibrahim M. Alsalman)

دراسة نوعية فصلية للدايتومات الملتصقة على نبات القصب (Phragmites australis) في قطاع من نهر دجلة شمال بغداد.

(Buthaina A. Al-Magdamy, Ibrahim M. Alsalman)

تحليل كمي ونوعي للتبقيات الصلبة وغبار الارصفة وتقييم مدى تأثيرها في تشكيل مستوى الغبار العالق في اجواء مدينة الخالدية -غرب العراق

(انوار عبود حمود, ابراهم مهدي عزوز)

A taxonomic study of non-diatomic algae attached to rocks In the lake of Baghdad’s tourist island

(Buthaina A. Al-Magdamy, Ibrahim M. Alsalman)

Epipelic algae and their relation to the nature and composition of the bottom in a section of the gharaf river in southern iraq

(Kareem Hamad Al- Husseini and Ibrahim M.A Alsalman)

Response of the Green Alga Chlorococcum humicola Developed in Chu-13 Culture Medium to Different Concentrations of CO2

(Ragad S. Mohamed, Ibrahim M.A Alsalman)

A first recorded of cormocephalus nigrificatus verhoff, 1937 scolopendridae-scolopendromorpha-chilopada in baghdad, iraq

(Hayder Wahhab Azooz and Maysaloon Lafta Al-Doori)

Taxonomic study of the species porcellio scaber (porcellionidae : onicidea, isopoda, crustacea) in baghdad

(Talal Aboud and Maysaloon Lafta Al-Doori)

A first record of eobania vermiculata (o. F. Müller, 1774), terrestrial snail (gastropoda-helicidae) from baghdad, iraq

(Nibrass Lafta Al-Doori)

A First Record and Developmental Stages of an Exotic Species Cochlicellabarbara (Linnaeus, 1758) (Gastropoda-Cochicellidae) in Iraq Baghdad

(NibrassLafta Al-Doori, Maysaloon Lafta Al-Doori , Harith Qasim Al-Juburi)

Effect of salinity stress and selenium spraying on broad bean plant vicia faba l

(Amel Gh. M. Al-Kazzaz)

Effect both of Kinetin and npkzn Fertilizer on Mitigating The Adverse effect of Sodium Chloride on sweet pepper plant Capsicum annuum L

(Amel Gh. M. Al-Kazzaz)

Interactions between the Ecological Dejiala River Properties, Southern Iraq

(Intisar F. Abed and Muhanned R. Nashaat)

Species composition, abundance, biodiversity and temporal variations of rotifera in the Dejiala river, Southern Iraq

(Intisar F. Abed and Muhanned R. Nashaat)

Teachers from Department of Biology publish 28 research  in the field of environment and sustainable development in international journals classified within the four containers

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