تمت بعون الله تعالى مناقشة أطروحة طالبة الدكتوراه إيمان حسين هادي من فسم علوم الحياة وذلك في يوم الثلاثاء الموافق 17 / 11 / 2015 وفي قاعة الندوات في القسم وذلك عن اطروحتها الموسومة :

تأثير الرش الورقي بالكلوتاثيون و نقع البذور ببيروكسيد الهيدروجين و تداخلهما في بعض صفات النمو و الحاصل لنبات الماش Vigna radiate L.

وقد تألفت لجنة المناقشة من الأساتذة الأفاضل :

أ.د. حاتم جبار عطية   رئيساً

أ.د. عبد الخالق صالح مهدي   عضواً

أ.د. عبد مسربت احمد    عضواً

أ.م.د. حسين عزيز محمد    عضواً

أ.م.د. ماهر زكي فيصل   عضواً

أ.د. وفاق امجد القيسي    عضواً مشرفاً

واليكم خلاصة الموضوع باللغة الانكليزية :

      Two field  experiments  were conducted during the spring and autum growth season  of Vigna radiata L. in  the year 2014 at  botanical  garden  of Biology Department , Collage  of Education for Pure Science (Ibn AL_Haithem)
University  of Baghdad .The experiments aimed to study the effect of foliar application of glutathione and soaking of seed with H2O2 ,and interaction between them in some  morphological , flowering , radical, enzymic  and non enzymic antioxidant ,and yield characters .The  treatment of glutathione (0,25,50,75,100) mg.L-1 While the H2O2 (0,5,10,15) ml mol. L-1 .The two experiment were designed as Randomized  Complete  Block Design  as  factorial experiment with two factors with three replication which included 60 experiment units the area  of each one (1×1`) m. Results were  analyzed  Statistically and compared using average L.S.D at 0.05.

      Of the results  two experiments  showed that glutathione revealed significantly  increased all study parameter  espically in 100 mg .L-1 Con centration , the plant hight  by 23%,37.14% ,  stem  diameter by 54.56% ,28.04% , leaves number 69.34% , 53.14%  for two seasons , in addition to the number of  lateral  branches 37.73% and fresh weight 42.20%  for  first  season ,the dry weight
 73.43% , 91.46%,leaf area 61.61%,31.23%.leaf area index 86.61% ,146.35% , biomass duration 60.48%,101.06% , absolute growth rate (AGR) 28%,92.68%, inflorescences number 56.55%,39.90% , flower`s number 71.97%,22.60% , root length 20.20%,26.20% , root dry weight 76.10%, 79.25%,total function of SOD  69.32%,40.52%,total  Function of POD 29.45%,82.25% ,total  Function   of GPX 30.90 %,63.62%,chlorophyll content of a 73.48%91.40%, chlorophyll content of b 33.42%,17.67% for two seasons  respectively . The total chlorophyll content  13.69%,for second season ,Caroten content 207%,309% ,proline content  84.47%,31.75%,(MDA) content 6.25%,38.35%,glutathione content 41.49%, 3.21%%,  H2O2 content  52.16%,34.24%, pods number 17.43%,16.93%,100 seeds weight 22.95 % 22.48% ,biological  harvest 60.35% ,93.62%, seeds yield  52.17%,43.70%, the  carbohydrate percentage 64.07% ,17.36% ,the protein percentage 22.32% for first season while the results of effect of soaking seeds with H2O2  specially with 15m ml .L-1  concentration  increased stem diameter 45.52%,34.00%,leaves number 18.55%,30.75%,Lateral branch 26.06%,48.04% for Two seasons  respectially ,fresh weight 35.45% for first season ,dry weight 40.89%,43.85%,leaf area 53.24%,64.53%, leaf area index  92.30%, 62.39% , biomass duration 35.35% ,57.53%, abosult  growth rate 39.13%, 41.07%,in,inflorescences number  34.98%,38.10%  flowers number 2.987 ,20.13% , total functhion of (SOD)100%,2853% , total function of (POD) 175.57%,40.58%,total function of (GPX)12.80%,61.40%,Caroten content 54%for second season ,proline content 40.93%for first season ,(MDA) content 17.31% for second season ,glutathione content  13.68%,24.29%, H2O2 content 26.53%,30.58% , number of  pods 42.77%,20.51%,seads number /pod 22.93%, 22.93%,100 seeds Wieght 24.07%,24.86%,biological harvent 14.37%, 40.02%,seeds yield 16.69% for first season ,the solubly carbohydraty percentage 43.26%for  first  season ,the protein percentage 11.50%,19.67% for two seasons respicatlly ,while chlorophyll a content decreased by 15m ml.L-1 12.87%for  second season ,total two season respicatlly .

       There were high significant interaction between glutathione and H2O2 in all study parameter characters which in the two experiments.

تمنياتنا لزميلتنا العزيزة دوام التقدم والنجاح ….



كلية التربية للعلوم الصرفة ابن الهيثمAuthor posts

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كلية التربية للعلوم الصرفة (ابن الهيثم) - College of Education for Pure Science (Ibn Al-Haitham)

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