جرت على  قاعة المرحوم الاستاذ سالم عبدالحميد المناقشة العلنية لرسالة طالبة الماجستير لمى مصعب عبد  الموسومة :

دراسة الخواص الفيزيائية لمواد لها القابلية على أمتزاز الأيونات الثقيلة من محاليلها

حيث تألفت لجنة المناقشة من التدريسيين الأفاضل :

أ.د . احمد نجم عبد                                   رئيسا

أ.م.د. اكرم رحيم جبر                                عضوا

أ.م.د . عمار جاسم الزيدي                        عضوا

ا.م.د. انتصار عليوي لعيبي                      عضوا ومشرفا

ملخص البحث

         تتناول هذه الدراسة تحضير أوكسيد الحديد النانوي المغناطيسي (الماغناتايت) (NPS Magnetite ) بأستعمال طريقة الترسيب المشارك لأملاح الحديد الثنائية والثلاثية بوسط قاعدي. تم تغليف أوكسيد الحديد النانوي المغناطيسي  ببوليمر الدكسترين  لتحضير ثلاث متراكبات نانوية مغناطيسية بنسب وزنية مختلفة من الدكسترين وهذه النسب هي 1:8,1:4,1:2 على التوالي. تم تشخيص الدقائق النانوية والمتراكبات النانوية المغناطيسية المحضرة من خلال عدة تقنيات وهي تقنية الاشعة تحت الحمراء (FTIR) وحيود الاشعة السينية (XRD) ومجهر القوى الذرية (AFM) والمجهر الالكتروني الماسح (SEM) .شملت هذه الدراسة الخواص الحرارية عن طريق تحاليل مسعر المسح التفاضلي (DSC).كما تناولت هذه الدراسة أستعمال المتراكبات النانوية المحضرة كسطوح مازة في عملية امتزاز الملوثات العضوية المتمثلة بصبغة الميثيلين الزرقاء والملوثات اللاعضوية المتمثلة بايونات المعادن الثقيلة ( الرصاص والكروم) من محاليلها المائية ، وذلك بهدف التوصل الى معرفة فعالية هذه السطوح وإمكانية استعمالها كسطوح مازة لمعالجة حالات التلوث  بهذه الملوثات. وتم تعيين كميات لامتزاز صبغة الميثيلين الزرقاء  باستعمال مطيافية الاشعة المرئية – فوق البنفسجية , في حين استعمل جهاز مطياف  التحليل الذري في تعيين كميات الامتزاز لأيونات الرصاص والكروم  ، وتم التعرف على  آيزوثيرمات الامتزاز في ظروف مختلفة من زمن الاتزان وعند درجات حرارية مختلفة ، دالة حامضية ، نسبة الدكسترين  الوزنية في المتراكبات المحضرة.بالنسبة لامتزاز صبغة الميثيلين الزرقاء على  متراكبات نانوية مغناطيسية بنسب وزنية مختلفة من الدكسترين وهذه النسب هي 1:8,1:4,1:2


The MSc thesis discussion of student Luma Mousa’ab Abid from department of Chemistry

At the hall f the late prof.Dr.Salim Abdulhameed, the MSc thesis discussion of student Luma Mousa’ab Abid from department of Chemistry entitled (physical properties study of compounds which have ability to Removal of heavy ions from The solutions) has been discussed

The discussion committee

Prof.Dr.Ahmed Najim Abid     Haed

Asst.prof.Dr.Akram Raheem Jabur    member

Asst.prof.Dr.Amar Jasim Al-Zaidi    member

Asst.pof.Dr.Entisar Olawi Luabi    supervisor member

The Abstract

 This study deals with the MNPs were synthesized by co-precipitation method  of ferric and ferrous ions in alkaline solution.Different amounts of dextrin were selected to functionalize the MNPs .The samples were characterized by several techniques: XRD, FTIR,  AFM, and SEM.The study of the adsorption of the methylene blue dye on the coated magnetite with weight ratio of dextrin(1-2),(1-4),(1-8) as to determine the effectiveness of these surfaces and the possibility of using them as adsorbents in order to treat such contamination. UV-vis spectroscopy was used to determination of adsorption capacities. Isotherms of adsorption were studied at different conditions of temperature, pH, weight of adsorbent and weight of dextrin in adsorbents. This study exhibited the following results:The shapes of isotherms , shows that the methyl green dye on all surfaces follows the Langmayer and freundlish equations in all conditions, and the curved type (S) according to Giles classification. This type of isotherms is achieved in the case of heterogeneous surfaces. factors coated magnetite with weight ratio of dextrin(1-8) as surface showed higher ability from other surfaces  for methyl green adsorption. This arrangement did not change in efficacy as the conditions of the adsorption process changed. Depending  on the increase in the amount of the adsorb ate with increasing concentration or temperature. The study of the adsorption process at different temperatures (318,308,283) K, the results showed that the amount of adsorption of methyl green dye on the above increased by increasing the temperature ( the processes are endothermic ).By adsorption isotherms, the change in the basic thermodynamic values of the adsorption process, such as the Enthalpy (∆H), was positive, indicating that the adsorption process is endothermic, while the (∆G) is negative, indicating the spontaneous adsorption process  and the Entropy (∆S) was positive, indicating the irregularity of adsorption processes on all surfaces under study. The study of the adsorption of the heavy metals like lead and chrome from aqueous solution on the coated magnetite with weight ratio of dextrin(1-2), as

            to determine the effectiveness of this  surface and the possibility of using it as adsorbent in order to treat such contamination. Atomic analysis spectroscopy was used to determination of adsorption capacities. Isotherms of adsorption were studied at different conditions of temperature, pH, and weight of adsorbents. This study exhibited the following results: The shapes of isotherms, shows that the heavy metals (lead and chrome ions) from aqueous solution on all surfaces follows the Langmayer and freundlish equations in all conditions, and the curved type (S) according to Giles classification. This type of isotherms is achieved in the case of heterogeneous surfaces. The data obtained from this study revealed that higher efficiency was observed with lead ion whereas the lower with chrome ion. The study of the adsorption process at different temperatures (318,308,298) K, the results showed that the amount of adsorption of the heavy metals (lead and chrome ions) on the above increased by increasing the temperature ( the processes are endothermic 

            By adsorption isotherms, the change in the basic thermodynamic values of the lead ions adsorption process, such as the Enthalpy (∆H), was positive, indicating that the adsorption process is endothermic, the (∆G) is negative, indicating the spontaneous adsorption process  and the Entropy (∆S) was negative, indicating the irregularity of adsorption processes on above surface. By adsorption isotherms, while the change in the basic thermodynamic values of the chrome  ions adsorption process, the Enthalpy (∆H), was positive, indicating that the adsorption process is endothermic, the (∆G) is positive, indicating the non- spontaneous adsorption process  and the Entropy (∆S) was positive, indicating the regularity of adsorption processes on above surface. As the pH of the solution increases, the amount of adsorption of two ions on the coated magnetite with weight ratio of dextrin (1-2) as surface adsorbent   are increased

كلية التربية للعلوم الصرفة ابن الهيثمAuthor posts

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كلية التربية للعلوم الصرفة (ابن الهيثم) - College of Education for Pure Science (Ibn Al-Haitham)

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